Painting in the River Valley Richard Dixon Edmonton Alberta plein air artist.  
The Art of Richard Dixon  
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New Work by Richard Dixon
  • Richard Dixon:24" x 60" oil on canvas
  • Richard Dixon: Late Evening Light Riverdale
    36 x 60 inch oil on canvas
  • Richard Dixon: Medicine Vision
    36" x 60" mixed medium on canvas.This painting presents a healer's vision whereby the medicinal plants to treat the patient's condition are chosen. The visions are often stimulated by the ingestion of mildly hallucinogenic natural plants, along with song. In this case the patient is female with symptoms of general lack of energy, tiredness, and a disruption of the female cycles of life (known as moontime) The remedy revealed by this vision is a mixture of: Sunflower - treats headaches, kidneys, and skin rashes. Valerian - tranquilizer and antispasmodic Tansy - treats nerve pain and migraines Thistle (tea) - strengthen stomach and reduce pain Gooseberry - for vitamin C and energy Chokecherry - for blood cleanser and to promote the normalization of the moon cycles (menstruation) Wild Rose - for vitamins C/A/B/E/K Labrador Tea - to soothe the digestion Wild Onion - as an antibacterial internal/external agent Such visions are the result of a lifetime of training in the healing properties of plants in cultural expression. Within the plants are expressed the essence of life which reflects the universe itself, the sun, the moon, the planets, the stars and the conscious oneness of spiritual power within all, where both healing and disease lie. Disease is seen as being a separation from the essence of nature which is balanced.
  • Richard Dixon: Spirit Song
    36" x 60 " mixed medium on canvas.This work reflects the vision of the world which originated during Richard's time spent with native medicine people in Southern Alberta. It speaks of the oneness of all living things where nature finds the balance between the species and where the essence of life (Spirit) predominates. The joining of the earth, air, fire, and water creates the expression of Spirit where life expresses itself. The air and water join seamlessly with the land while the buffalo walks through all expressing the fire within. Together the Spirit forms the planet which is a sentient entity in itself giving birth to the physical aspect of all beings. Through learning of the unity of life and how nature retains its balance, the human learns to be a part of nature, which is rare in today's world where man and nature are separated by technology.
  • Richard Dixon: Image
  • Richard Dixon: Image
  • Richard Dixon: 36" x 60" oil on canvas
  • Richard Dixon:36" x 60' oil on canvas
  • Richard Dixon:36" x 60" oil on canvas Image
  • Richard Dixon: 36" x 84" oil on canvas
  • Richard Dixon: Image
  • Richard Dixon: Image
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